
The objective!

Before of starting this Blog talking about the real life of trans here in Italy, I'd like to say that the objective of all, is show the life in reality, the possibilites, the conquistires and the harder life that we have.
It's not a science of nature or something in this generous, it's just something which I make sure that one day will help someone, not specially a trans, but someone that needs a help, a word, a advice a absolute shine in them life.
Welcome to the truth, to the profound reflection of the world. How it is, What it is, Who it is and all the others stuffs.
I won't tell any names, any place. In fact anything. What I will write here, it's the possibilite of expressing in a real time!
Sometimes we spent so many times with the things of the routine, or something normal of the day. However, what happended with that person that there's no routine ? There's no a day to be normal and fly away ?
There are too many questions in a big box, maybe one box that is almost explosing, almost falling. But not falling on the floor, and in this case, falling of sky .
There are shines around me, but any star is as shiner as my mind. I can think, I can talk, I can write, and by the way I can write.
So, the objective of all this as I told is showing how big is the world, and what happen on the nightlife.